About the Shetland Sheepdog Club of NJ
The club held its first meeting August 12, 1964, under the temporary name of The New Jersey Shetland Sheepdog Club and seventeen people were in attendance.
In 1966, the club decided on the name The Metropolitan Shetland Sheepdog Club. In 1968 the name was changed to our current name, "The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern New Jersey".
We held our first Specialty Show and Sweepstakes on May 27, 1973, in conjunction with The Plainfield Kennel Club. Twice a year, the Shetland Sheepdog club holds an AM and PM Specialty Show. One being an Independent Specialty and the other is a Designated Specialty.
April 1, 1979 was the first Obedience Specialty and now the club holds two Obedience Specialties in March.
The Shetland Sheepdog Club has always been a continually active club; we have speakers at our meetings, sponsor seminars and public relations events. The Sheltie Club is a resource for all who own Shelties. We also hold events that are helpful to all pet owners, regardless of the breed.
The membership is open to all who love and own shelties from breeders, conformation and performance exhibitors and companion dog owners.
If you love shelties, we would love for you to attend our meetings and join our club.
Become a Member
We meet the first Friday of the month from September to June at the Willow Grove Church, 1961 Raritan Rd, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 at 7:30 PM. Dogs are also welcome to attend.
Contact us for membership information at sscnnj@gmail.com or click below for an application.
Club Events
MARCH 8th and 9th 2025
All Breed Obedience Trials
The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern New Jersey will hold it’s all breed obedience trials on Saturday & Sunday, March 8 & 9, 2025 at the Golden Rule School for Dogs, 23 Morris Sussex Turnpike, Andover, NJ 07821. Show secretary services provided by Sabrina Andrews, Fast Times, INC. Stay tuned for more information.
Need Help with your Sheltie or Help Finding a Pup?
We are the experts. We can help if you have questions about your dog. We can give advice in locating pups and help you find a reputable breeder. Breeder/Puppy Referral: Herb O’Brien
SSCNNJ Breeders
Donna Colletti
Ursula Dudek
Pat Marchello
Herb OBrien
Club Officers
President: Donna Colletti
Vice President: Herb O’Brien
Corresponding Secretary:
Andrea Tornatore
Recording Secretary:
Chris Javornicky
Treasurer: Lisa Stoddard
Board Members: Lou Antonicello
Eva Giorgi
Confirmation Show: Eva Giorgi
Obedience Show: Larry Deetz
Cathy Miller, Sylvette Hartroth, George Crevatas
Sheltie Club Meeting
January Meeting
January 3, 2025
WillowGrove Church
1961 Raritan Rd,
Scotch Plains, NJ
Special congratulations to DM
and Bowie!
On Friday, Bowie went Best of Winners earning just a point.
On Saturday, he went Winners Dog for 2 more points. Sunday he earned another point and the icing on the cake was taking 4th place in Owner Handled Herding Group!
On December 6th, Art Olson will attend our meeting to discuss his herding trial experience.
He has ten years experience doing herding trials with his late Sheltie Sabrina.
His day starts before first light setting up. When it's light enough to see the sheep, he brings the milking flock three tenths of a mile to the milking parlor, milk them, then put them back. He then brings the milking flock through the pasture used by the working flock so the flocks aren't mixed together.
Dogs are essential for this task. The sheep often stop to graze and he can't get them moving on my own. The sheep will refuse to go through a gate until a dog drives them through. If the sheep decide to make a wrong turn, the dog sets them right again.
Kendra is eight months old and works on a long line. She's soon to be in training to be a herding dog after she's reliable in basic Obedience commands.
December 6th Herding Presentation
MARCH 21st to 23rd, 2025
We are already looking forward to our Spring Specialty!
The SSCNNJ Specialty Show date is
Saturday, March 22, 2025.
The Specialty Judge is Mr. Jerry Parisek
Other judges in the cluster are:
Friday 3/21325 — Mr David Kirkland
Saturday 3/22/25 — Ms. Cassie Frank
Sunday 3/23/25 — Mr David Alexander
Art's dog, Kendra who is a Wildoak pup, is getting ready for a day's work!